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Bridging Communities: The NetWorked Community Solutions Grant Empowers Rice County's Spanish-Speaking Neighbors

Posted Monday June 19, 2023

In a multicultural society, it is vital to ensure equitable and accessible services for all community members, regardless of their background or language spoken. Rice County Community Foundation and Rice County Economic Development, took a significant step towards achieving this goal with the successful award of the NetWorked Community Solutions Grant. This grant, worth $10,000, was awarded and funded the project titled "One Voice: Creating more equitable and accessible services in Rice County for Spanish-Speaking Neighbors." With the generous support of NetWork Kansas, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Kansas, the Kansas Health Foundation, and the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation, Rice County embarked on a journey to foster inclusivity and empower the Spanish-speaking community. This blog post aims to summarize the key accomplishments and initiatives undertaken as part of this grant.

The Rice County project team, consisting of Karly Frederick, Stacy Clark, and Oscar Gomez, played a pivotal role in driving the project forward. Their collective efforts, along with the expertise and guidance of Claudia Amaro from AB&C Bilingual Resources, ensured that the initiatives were inclusive to the Latino community and facilitated the content. The collaboration between the project team and AB&C Bilingual Resources proved to be a strong foundation for success.

The "One Voice" project implemented several initiatives to address the needs of Spanish-speaking neighbors in Rice County. Two key programs that made a significant impact were the Latino Colors sessions and the Somos Comunidad sessions.

  1. Latino Colors Sessions: The project team organized two engaging Latino Colors sessions, which served as a platform to highlight the Latino perspective within the community. These sessions offered opportunities for open dialogue, sharing of experiences, and enhancing cultural understanding. By fostering inclusivity and promoting awareness, the sessions helped bridge gaps between different communities within Rice County.

  2. Somos Comunidad Sessions: Recognizing the importance of leadership and empowerment, the project team hosted two Somos Comunidad sessions. These sessions were conducted entirely in Spanish and aimed to provide leadership training and development opportunities for Spanish-speaking community members. Through interactive workshops and discussions, participants gained valuable insights and skills necessary for personal and professional growth. The Somos Comunidad sessions not only served as a platform for learning but also as a means to build a stronger sense of community and mutual support.

To further support organizations in providing Spanish translation services, mini-grants worth $400 were awarded to seven entities that attended the Latino Colors sessions. These grants aimed to assist organizations in accessing language support at AB&C Bilingual Resources. The recipients of these grants included the Sterling Public Library, BrightHouse, Lyons High School, Raymond Community Development, Rice County Council on Aging, Rice County Emergency Communications, and Rice County Treasurer. The grants enabled these entities to enhance their services and communication with the Spanish-speaking community, creating a more inclusive environment.

Thanks to the NetWorked Community Solutions Grant and the collective efforts of the Rice County Community Foundation, Rice County Economic Development, the project team, and AB&C Bilingual Resources, the "One Voice" project achieved remarkable success in creating more equitable and accessible services for Spanish-speaking neighbors in Rice County. The Latino Colors and Somos Comunidad sessions provided valuable opportunities for dialogue, education, and empowerment. By promoting inclusivity and fostering understanding, Rice County took a significant step towards building a stronger and more united community. The impact of this project will continue to resonate, fostering a welcoming environment for all residents and ensuring that every voice is heard.

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